Problem Solver

Printout Problems Not Related to Print Quality

Incorrect or garbled characters
Incorrect margins
Inverted image
Blank pages print
Printout has smears on the bottom edge
Printing is too slow

If one of the following problems has occurred, try the solutions listed for the problem.

Incorrect or garbled characters

Try one or more of these solutions:


Incorrect margins

Try one or more of these solutions:


Inverted image

Clear the Flip Horizontal check box in the printer software (Macintosh), or turn off the Mirror setting in your application. For instructions, see online help for the printer software or for your application.

Macintosh users can refer to Making Advanced settings for details.


Blank pages print

Try one or more of these solutions:

After trying one or more of these solutions, run a printer operation check to check the results.
Running a printer operation check


Printout has smears on the bottom edge


Printing is too slow

Try one or more of these solutions:

Media Type Settings


