Scanning / How to

Choose the Appropriate Scanning Mode

Changing a scanning mode

EPSON Scan provides three modes for you to change any scanning settings: Full Auto Mode, Home Mode, and Professional Mode.

Full Auto Mode:
The Full Auto Mode makes scanning simple, freeing you from complex settings or adjustments.

Home Mode:
The Home Mode enables you to scan images easily without use of complex settings.

Professional Mode:
In the Professional Mode, there are many options available to give you greater control over scanning. You can sharpen, correct, or enhance your images before scanning them in the Professional Mode.

The following table indicates the suitable mode to use according to the scanning purpose.


Full Auto Mode

Home Mode

Professional Mode

Scanning Films

Defining target size


Optimizing brightness and color of image


Removing moiré patterns


Optimizing text or line art scanning


Scanning document larger than document table



Restoring faded color image

Removing dust on film

: Recommended
: Supported

You can choose and change the scanning mode, as described in the following section.

Changing a scanning mode

You can change the scanning mode from the list box at the top right of the window.

Click the small arrow to the right of the list box, then click on the mode you wish to use.

The mode you used last time remains effective when you start EPSON Scan again.


