Advanced Scanning / Optimizing Scanning

Optimizing Text Scanning for OCR

Scanning text
Improving character recognition
Potential text recognition problems

This section gives you suggestions and recommended settings in order to improve OCR (Optical Character Recognition) scanning results. (For Perfection 1660 Photo and 2400 Photo only)

Scanning text

Make sure Text (Background Removal) is selected in the Image Type list box and OCR is selected in the Destination list box in the Manual mode window.

If the recognition rate is not satisfactory with the default settings, follow these steps to change the settings:


Improving character recognition

In the Manual mode window, make sure Text (Background Removal) is selected in the Image Type list box and OCR is selected in the Destination list box. Then click the Image Type button. The Image Type dialog box appears.

In the Image Type dialog box, select None for B/W Option, and then click OK.

In the Manual mode window, click the Full Preview button. Then click the Image Controls button to display the Image Controls dialog box.

Use the Threshold slider to change the threshold value, monitoring the results of your changes in the Preview window. Adjusting the threshold value can make it easier for OCR to recognize characters.


Potential text recognition problems

The quality of the text in your original document greatly effects OCR results.

The following types of originals can make recognition difficult and should be avoided if possible:

Remember that OCR software cannot recognize handwritten characters.


